Rebecca Hargreaves

MBACP (Accred) Counsellor/Psychotherapist

There are many reasons why you might be thinking about seeking support through counselling or therapy, such as  dealing with difficult life events or feeling overwhelmed by feelings that seem difficult to understand. Speaking with someone not involved in your life may allow you the space to begin to understand and change.

I am a BACP Accredited Counsellor/


I have been a qualified counsellor/ psychotherapist since 2016 and have worked with Adults, Children and Young Adults both in schools, as a Lead Counsellor, and in Private Practice. Since 2020 I have been involved as a founder member of the team of Specialist Counsellors at Rareminds, a not for profit organisation, offering psychotherapeutic support to groups and individuals living with rare, and life limiting, disease.


What issues might you bring?

I am trained and experienced in working with a wide range of difficulties that emerge through life. At our initial consultation we will discuss and think together about what you are seeking support with and if you feel you would like us to work together.


I offer face-to-face counselling, or Online counselling via Zoom, to individuals aged 13+

How does counselling/psychotherapy work?

By offering a reliable and confidential relationship we can explore past experiences, present difficulties, and future hopes and fears which can lead to gaining understanding to manage difficult feelings or situations differently.

 Is my problem big enough to come and see a counsellor?

If it is bothering you it is worth talking about. Sometimes even a few sessions can make a lot of difference.

I've tried counselling before and didn't find it helpful...

 To talk about the personal details of your life you need a good atmosphere. If you don't feel comfortable with the counsellor or therapist it is going to feel difficult to really confide in them. Finding someone you feel you can get on with with is very important , but it is not unusual to find the process uncomfortable or awkward to begin with. If you do feel anxious talking about yourself, or certain aspects of your difficulties, do let me know as we can think about it together


As an accredited member of the BACP I am bound and adhere to their professional and ethical guidelines. To clarify confidentiality means that I do not discuss the content of our sessions with anybody else except as required by law (e.g. The prevention of terrorism Act).

We will discuss together any issues/need for disclosure and what that process entails. 

How long, how often, how many sessions?

Each session is 50 minutes.  Sessions are held weekly on the same day and at the same time and will be mutually agreed when we meet for the first time. This session time will then be yours throughout our therapeutic journey ensuring that your space with me is consistent and secure.My service is bespoke to you and as such I can offer time-limited or open-ended contracts. A time-limited approach will be more solution focused and we will agree a fixed number of sessions during your initial assessment e.g 12 or 20 sessions. Open-ended contracts do not have a fixed number of sessions.

I have a very busy life. Will I have to wait around like I do at the doctor's surgery?

 No. I make a point of starting and ending sessions at the agreed time. I do not have a waiting room so please arrive at your session time.

I don't want anyone else to know what I've talked to you about. Can you guarantee this?

Confidentiality is an essential aspect of the therapeutic process. Building trust is essential and this is difficult if you are wondering who else will know. There are 2 areas which fall outside the confidentiality agreement and these are: intention to harm other people and intention to harm yourself. There may be occasions when we feel that it would be useful to consult with your doctor or psychiatrist and I would always request your permission before doing this.

More information

If you would like further general information about psychotherapy or counselling generally, please visit the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy( or the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me with any enquiries and we can arrange to have a brief telephone conversation

Call me on 07932 414998 or fill out the Contact Form here

Contact Form

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